Monday, September 3, 2012

Sending Email Using Application Engine (XML Publisher Report as Attachment)

Our understanding of XML Publisher are getting broader. There are a lot that you can do with this tool, I decided to incorporate the email functionality of PeopleSoft with the XML Publisher. How would you like if the batch thatproduced report output last night can be emailed to you automatically? I know a lot of people would love that!

With our knowledge on how to code XMLP report, we will just add codes to our existing PeopleCode in XML Publisher Part 2 that tells the PeopleSoft to send that report to an email. Here's the code (added codes are in bold text).

import PSXP_XMLGEN:*;
import PT_MCF_MAIL:*;

/*Create an email object by setting individual parameters*/
Local PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFOutboundEmail &eMail = create

&sRptDefn = "JOB_DEFN";
&sTemplateId = "JOB_TEMP";
&sLangCode = "";
&dtAsOfDate = %Date;
&sOutputFmt = "PDF";
&RptOutputDir = "c:\temp\" "XMLP";

&ReportDef.OutDestination = &RptOutputDir;

/*Set-Up Report*/
&ReportDef = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn(&sRptDefn);
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/*Create Rowset*/
&rs = CreateRowset(Record.PERSONAl_DATA);

/*Fill Rowset*/&rs.FILL("WHERE FILL.EMPLID LIKE 'EID000%'");

/*Create Schema*/
&rds = create PSXP_XMLGEN:RowSetDS(); /*package method*/
&mySchema = &rds.GetXSDSchema(&rs);
&f1 = GetFile("c:\temp\JOB_XSD.xsd""W"%FilePath_Absolute);

/*Create Sample XML File*/
&myXMLFile = &rds.GetXMLData(&rs, "c:\temp\JOB_XSD.xsd");
&f2 = GetFile("c:\temp\JOB_XML.xml""W"%FilePath_Absolute);

/* output format */
&sOutputFormat = &sOutputFmt;

/*Provide a Data Source for the Report*/

/*Generate the Report*/
&ReportDef.ProcessReport(&sTemplateId, %Language_User%Date, &sOutputFormat);

/*Publish the Report*/
&ReportDef.Publish("", &RptOutputDir, "XMLP", JOB_AET.PROCESS_INSTANCE);
&sFileExt = GetFileExtension(&sOutputFormat);

/*Send Mail*/&ToList = "";&FromList = "";&ReplyToList = "";
&Subject = "Batch Run Email";
&eMail.Recipients = &ToList; /*comma separeted list of email addresses*/
&eMail.From = &FromList/*from email address*/&eMail.ReplyTo = &ReplyToList; /*in case the reply is to be sent to a different email address*/
&eMail.Subject = 

/*Body for multiple parts*/
Local string &plain_text = "Test for XML Email from PeopleSoft";
Local PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart &text = create
&text.Text = &plain_text;

PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart &attach = createPT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart();&attach.SetAttachmentContent(&RptOutputDir "JOB_DEFN.pdf",%FilePath_Absolute, "JOB_DEFN.pdf", "JOB_DEFN""""");

PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFMultiPart &mp = createPT_MCF_MAIL:MCFMultiPart();
&eMail.Multipart = ∓
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/*Override the default SMTP parameters specified in app server configuration file*/
&eMail.SMTPServer = ""/*just an example*/
&eMail.SMTPPort = 25/*usually this is 25 by default*/

Local integer &resp = &eMail.Send();
/*now check &resp for the result*/
Local boolean &done;
Evaluate &resp
When %ObEmail_Delivered
/*every thing ok*/
&done = True;
When %ObEmail_NotDelivered
/*check &eMail.InvalidAddresses, &eMail.ValidSentAddresses and &eMail.ValidUnsentAddresses*/
&done = False;
When %ObEmail_PartiallyDelivered/*check &eMail.InvalidAddresses, &eMail.ValidSentAddresses and &eMail.ValidUnsentAddresses*/
&done = True;Break;
When %ObEmail_FailedBeforeSending
/*get the formatted messages from &eMail.ErrorDescription, &eMail.ErrorDetails*/
&done = False;


Monday, July 30, 2012

Peoplecode: Writing to file using Write Rowset

Local File &myFile;
Local Rowset &fileRowset1, &fileRowset;
Local Row &fileRow;

&myFile = GetFile("c:\temp\test.txt", "W", %FilePath_Absolute);

If &myFile.SetFileLayout(FileLayout.TEST_FILE_LAYOUT) Then
   &fileRowset = &myFile.CreateRowset();
   &fileRowset = GetLevel0();
   &fileRow = &fileRowset.GetRow(1);
   &fileRowset1 = &fileRow.GetRowset(Scroll.TEST_BU_REC);

******* Comment ********

The code should be written on the key fields
For accessing further levels we have to give full scroll path

****************** to access next levels ********************
Local File &myFile;
Local Rowset &fileRowset1, &fileRowset;
Local Row &fileRow;

&myFile = GetFile("c:\temp\myfiledept.txt", "W", %FilePath_Absolute);

If &myFile.SetFileLayout(FileLayout.TEST_FILE_LAYOUT) Then
   &fileRowset = &myFile.CreateRowset();
   &fileRowset = GetLevel0();
   &fileRow = &fileRowset.GetRow(1);
   &fileRowset1 = &fileRow.GetRowset(Scroll.TEST_BU_REC).GetRow(1).GetRowset(Scroll.TEST_DEPT_REC);

********************** end ************************************

Peoplecode: Writing to file using Write Record

Local Record &RecLine;
Local File &MYFILE;
Local SQL &SQL2;

&MYFILE = GetFile("c:\temp\test.txt", "W", %FilePath_Absolute);

If &MYFILE.SetFileLayout(FileLayout.TEST_FILE_LAYOUT) Then
   &RecLine = CreateRecord(Record.TEST_EMP_REC);
   &SQL2 = CreateSQL("%Selectall(:1)", &RecLine);
   While &SQL2.Fetch(&RecLine)


SQLExec : Return: 8015 - Bind value is too long

You get this error in an online page or while running a Application engine program. This error happens when you try to insert more than 254 characters in a long field using sqlexec and do not use %TextIn meta sql.
Use %TextIn meta-sql for the bind variable that is used for inserting into a long field. For e.g. %TextIn(:1)
%TextIn is documented in peoplebooks and is mandatory for all insertions/update of LongChar fields using sqlexec for all database platforms.
Here are some resolutions that discusses this issue in Metalink – Oracle support site.
E-AE Application Engine PeopleCode Step with SQLExec Receives Error; return code 8015 "Bind value is too long" [ID 889806.1]
E-PC:"Bind value is too long" Error When Using SQLExec to Insert into Long Char Field [ID 620874.1]

How to use CTRL+J in Google Chrome

Here is the solution, both works for me.
1. First press and hold J then press CTRL and release J.
2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+J Twice
3. Click on the page tab and hold your click, then press CTRL+J
